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发表时间:2011-2-13 21:32:27 来源: 互联网  点击次数:36696次   

s always go down.

  Someone who has tried to establish such rules is the American Professor Paul Ekman.who has built a database of how the face moves for every emotion.The face can make 43 distinct muscle movements called"action units".These can be combined into more than 10.000 visible facial shapes.Ekman has written out a paper of facial muscular movements to represent each emotion.

  A.We thought of trying to describe each emotion but it would have been almost impossible tomake clear rules for this

  B.These particular muscles aye difficult to control,and few people can do it.

  C.Research has also been done to find out which areas of the brain read the emotional expressions.

  D.They decided that it was a mental state that could be preceded by"I feel"or"he looks"or "she sounds".

  E.He said that the expression of theses feelings aye universal and recognizable by anyone,from any culture.

  F.Any other method of showing all the 412 emotions,such as words,would have been far less efiective.



  Obtaining Drinking Water from Air Humidity

  Not a plant to be seen,the desert ground is too dry.But the air contains water,and research scientists have found a_________(51)of obtaining drinking water from air humidity.The system isbased completely on renewable energy and is therefore autonomous.

  Cracks permeate the dried-out desert ground and the landscape bears testimony to the lack of water.But even here,where there are no lakes,rivers or groundwater,considerable quantities of water are stored in the air.In the Negev desert in Israel,for example,annual average relative air hu-midity is 64 percent-in every cubic meter of air there aye 11.5 milliliters of water.

  German research scientists have found a way of converting this air humidity autonomously intodrinkable water."T

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